Join us for a captivating night, full of romance, as you enjoy a delightful beverage beneath the captivating starry sky, and admire the awe-inspiring Hong Kong scenery. To enhance the enchantment of the evening, a scrumptious dessert has been meticulously prepared to add a touch of sweetness to your experience.

度過一個充滿浪漫氛圍的晚上吧!在迷人的星空下,手持著飲料,欣賞維港兩岸的壯麗景色。同時請享用由Aqua餐廳精心製作的甜點, 為您和他/她的晚上增添一絲甜蜜。

  • Each ticket includes one complimentary drink and one piece of dessert onboard aqualuna.
  • Reschedule policy: Should you need to reschedule your sailing, a 48-hour notice is required before the scheduled time. A $100 rescheduling fee will apply for sailings cancelled within 48 hours and a 100% fee will incur in the event of no show.
  • Route will be changed according to weather condition.
  • The sailing will be cancelled due to a force majeure such as Typhoon Signal No. 3 or Red Rainstorm Warning or above is hoisted. 若懸掛三號颱風信號或紅色暴雨警告或以上,遊覽將會取消。
  • No refund or cancellation of the orders will be accepted once payments have been processed.
    付款一經確認後, 訂單不可取消及我們不會作任何退款。謝謝!

時間表 票價

Adult 成人: HK$290

Day of Week Departure & Return Depart Time Return Time
Friday & Saturday Tsim Sha Tsui Pier 1 21:45 22:30
Central Pier 9 22:00 22:45


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